June 5, 1944
1944: Operation OVERLORD. Through 6 June, the IX Troop Carrier Command uses 1,400 C-47s, C-53s, and gliders to drop 13,000 Allied paratroopers on Normandy.
1944: Operation OVERLORD. Through 6 June, the IX Troop Carrier Command uses 1,400 C-47s, C-53s, and gliders to drop 13,000 Allied paratroopers on Normandy.
1995: Thru 8 June, after SAM downs his F-16, Capt Scott O’Grady evades capture for 6 days until Marine helicopters rescue him.
1966: The ARRS observes its 20th anniversary. In this period, the ARRS rescued more than 12,000 people throughout the world.
1956: First flight of Republic’s production model YF-105B, later named the Thunderchief.
1960: Midas II launches on an Atlas-Agena A rocket into an orbit expected to last 40 months. On 26 May, its telemetry system fails.
1968: 433 TFS Satan’s Angels use a Paveway Laser Guided Bomb (LGB) in combat for the first time. Modified F-4Ds fitted with laser illuminators, designate the target.
McDonnell Douglas pilot Larry Walker and Maj Erwin Jenschke land the NF-15B STOL Maneuvering Technology Demonstrator in 1,650 feet at Edwards AFB. The Pratt and Whitney two-dimensional, thrust-reversing engine nozzles were used to stop the aircraft.