- AFHF Member Authors
An Illustrated History of the 1st Aero Squadron at Camp Furlong: Columbus, New Mexico 1916-1917
by John L. Deuble, Jr.
The illustrated history is presented of an early 20th century U.S. Army aviation squadron on the United States – Mexican Border during the Mexican Punitive Expedition of 1916 – 1917. The squadron’s history is special. It was the first time that a U.S.Army aviation unit served in a military campaign. The squadron’s personnel, aircraft, equipment, and facilities are presented, as well as a special operation that the squadron fulfilled for General John J. Pershing’s Punitive Expedition. In addition, the eighty-four pilots who served with the squadron at this time are identified, and summary biographies are presented for the forty squadron identified in chapter photographs. This book immerses the reader in the early life of the oldest U.S.Air Force squadron as it spreads its wings for the first time in combat.