May 29, 1966
1966: The ARRS observes its 20th anniversary. In this period, the ARRS rescued more than 12,000 people throughout the world.
1966: The ARRS observes its 20th anniversary. In this period, the ARRS rescued more than 12,000 people throughout the world.
1956: First flight of Republic’s production model YF-105B, later named the Thunderchief.
1960: Midas II launches on an Atlas-Agena A rocket into an orbit expected to last 40 months. On 26 May, its telemetry system fails.
1968: 433 TFS Satan’s Angels use a Paveway Laser Guided Bomb (LGB) in combat for the first time. Modified F-4Ds fitted with laser illuminators, designate the target.
McDonnell Douglas pilot Larry Walker and Maj Erwin Jenschke land the NF-15B STOL Maneuvering Technology Demonstrator in 1,650 feet at Edwards AFB. The Pratt and Whitney two-dimensional, thrust-reversing engine nozzles were used to stop the aircraft.
1918: Raoul G. Lufbery, who posted 17 aerial victories with Lafayette Escadrille before joining American forces, dies in aerial combat.
1947: Over New York, 101 B-29s “theoretically” drop bombs in SAC’s first Maximum Effort mission.
LAST MERCURY FLIGHT. After 22-orbits around earth, Maj L. Gordon Cooper ends a 34-hour, 20-minute flight in Mercury capsule Faith 7 before landing in the Pacific, 80 miles southeast of Midway Island. He was the