August 8, 1955
1955: Over Edwards AFB, the X-1A rocket research plane explodes on its B-29 carrier and is jettisoned to destruction. NACA pilot Joe Walker escapes safely.
1955: Over Edwards AFB, the X-1A rocket research plane explodes on its B-29 carrier and is jettisoned to destruction. NACA pilot Joe Walker escapes safely.
1990: Operation DESERT SHIELD. In response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, the US military deploys to protect Saudi Arabia from Iraqi aggression and to liberate Kuwait.
1955: China releases crew of Special Ops B-29 “The Stardust 40”, captured on 13 Jan 1953 and held longer than any other POWs in Korean War.
1981: Directed by President Reagan, USAF air traffic controllers man civilian airport facilities in the US to replace striking civilian controllers.
1987: The 552d Airborne Warning and Control Wing from Tinker AFB completes its 5,000th mission for the Elf One deployment to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Elf One began on 1 October 1980, when the war between
1943: Operation TIDAL WAVE-Ploesti Raid. Five Medals of Honor were received for Ploesti, three posthumously, more than for any other mission in WW II: Baker, Hughes, Jersterd, Johnson, and Kane.
1952: PROJECT HOP-A-LONG. Two MATS Sikorsky UH-19B helicopters complete the first trans-Atlantic helicopter flight. They touch down five times en route between Westover Field and Prestwick, Scotland.
1943: For valorous action this date John C. “Red” Morgan receives Medal of Honor, presented by Lt Gen Ira Eaker. Citation:
1953: KOREAN WAR ENDS. UN and Communist representatives sign an armistice at Panmunjom. In the conflict USAF casualties number 1,729.
1947: President Truman signs the National Security Act, which establishes the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the CIA, and the US Air Force.